Preparation for adult reception into the Church is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and applies as appropriate to adults seeking Confirmation and/or Baptism in the Catholic Church. Adults should apply to join the programme from September. This normally takes place at the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday.)
These sessions are suitable for those thinking about joining the Catholic Church through Baptism and or Confirmation. It is also suitable for those who are already Catholic but who simply wish to explore their faith further.
The programme normally lasts until Easter. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to know more: [email protected]
At the Rite of Election, normally held in February at Westminster Cathedral, candidates to be Baptised or Confirmed into the Catholic Church are presented to the Diocese along with candidates from other deaneries.
Anyone who cannot partake in the ceremony in person can watch the service on live stream via Churchservices.tv.